the cadence was time back and forth beating

Polaroid picture of Chris Reimer wearing a toque, Zombies tshirt and jeans, hlding a guitar, in our parents basement. Written on the photo: Chris October 25/05
An animated gif collage of a blurry landscape with a tree, an old anatomical drawing of a ribcage, numbered, and a black bird with long wings flying.
A vector of curled black waves
A vector of curled black waves
An altar in Nikki's office, featuring a large metal C, a green toque, a salt lamp, a book with Chris Reimer on the cover, a Weevil Board and Korg Monotron, and a carved paitning of a falcon by Lisa Brawn
An animated gif collage of a blurry landscape with a tree, an old anatomical drawing of a ribcage, numbered, and a black bird with long wings flying.